Voice-over Marketing in the 21st Century
Vocie over in marketing is essential. Your brand is your promise to the community you serve, your content must connect with them, and while there are several options, videos are the number 1 conversion tool for most marketers. Videos have 3 essential elements - copy, imagery, and audio. That audio can have one or two components, voice and beat; with a voice, you're reaching a wider audience and attracting people outside your regular network.

Get In Front of the Right Audience
Your marketing is the one piece of your business continually in front of the public, and marketing is the audience building awareness of your organization and the problems you solve for your clients. In a recent article by Big Language solutions, they write about the "5 Reasons You Should Use Voice Over In Your Videos". It was interesting for me to learn that, as of March 2022, there are 67.3 Million households who don't speak English at home in the USA. The following are just a few of their observations as to why voice over is so popular with your audience:
- Audience preference - Big Language Solutions offers preference as the #1 reason voice overs in your marketing videos are is so important. Their research found that audiences like voice over more than subtitles, and who could wonder why? Voice over provides more context than subtitles, and you can say more than what can fit on the screen.
- While I speak English, as stated earlier, more than 60 Million people in this nation speak another language. If you can hire a talented voice over artist who speaks the language of your audience, that message is received with greater interest. Implementing this slight nuance into your marketing can offer tremendous rewards from the community that needs your services most.
- Another great awareness came when we learned that voice overs offer a more effortless eLearning experience for all audiences. "Providing an eLearning curriculum with voice-over can enrich your students' learning experience by making the learning tools more user-friendly for speakers of the target languages." (Big Language Solutions, 2022)

Next Steps
Look to the article in Big Language Solutions for the entire list. It's an insightful collection of authentic reasons showing why taking the time and effort to offer voice over in your videos is the best thing you can do to enhance them.
Contact me if you need a voice over artist who speaks English or any other language. I can help you.
If you'd like to venture out on your own, be sure to check out Fiverr. The freelancers on Fiverr are professional and really care about the products they deliver. Fast and of high quality. You can find your favorite Voice Over Artists here - https://youtu.be/btpyzweLwVM